Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Musical Theatre

Well, after four years of being in the musical theatre programme at Westwood Collegiate, I must say that it has been an overall positive experience. This year we did "Grease" which initially was not to my liking (given the size of the role as well as the subject matter it dealt with). Nevertheless, the end product was something I was proud to have my name attached to. Of all my experiences in Musical Theatre, the dance aspect has to be the one that stands out as it was the one area I can say that I grew the most in. Dance, to be honest, is not my area of expertise. My weak physical condition does nothing to help the situation, indeed it only compounds the difficulties I faced in rehearsal. There was many a time I recall leaving the dance studio completely out of breath, and even dreading the next choreography rehearsal. And yet, somehow, I was able to overcome these challenges to perform the dances in front of an audience for numerous performances. Above all, it was the perseverance involved that was truly worth the effort, for it forced me to concentrate my efforts on overcoming obstacles that had previously seen insurmountable. One more thing, of personal note, I found out that I wasn't half-bad of a dancer. Not that I have any intention to turn professional, it's simply one more skill that i now have at my disposal.

1 comment:

  1. Meetings were twice a week, for three hours, between the months of September and December. However, as the date of the productions approached, we also had a number of Sunday rehearsals which would normally last between 1pm to 6pm (or later). In addition, we also performed some of the songs and dances from the musical at the Pep Rally and at the Arts Fundraiser (For the Love of the Arts), which involved additional rehearsals outside of the normal time frame.
