Thursday, April 7, 2011

Food Drive

This has been a fairly recent development, and one that has only just begun to get into the works. As such, I can only really detail a small portion of what will undoubtably turn out to be a fairly sizable project. It was only about a week ago that I was approached by my boss to oversee a food drive for the Winnipeg Food Harvest (in conjunction with the royal wedding at the end of the month). While I was initially surprised, I gladly accepted the task, although I know that time is running short. One of the ideas which I think will work well is to do a competition with other schools in the area (as this campaign is city-wide) and provide some motivation for people in bring in their canned goods. I have not yet approached anyone to help me with this project, although that will have to be done in the next few days as I cannot do this on my own. as events develop, I will keep them posted, for that is the extent of my involvement thus far in this project.

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